So, tell me what you want, what you really, really want…
Throughout the years, employees’ needs have changed, which may prove itself challenging for companies to keep up with. This is especially important for the HR team who, among many tasks, is required to attract and retain their talents. Undoubtedly, salary plays a major role here — but does everything really revolve around salary?
Clue: the answer starts with the letter ‘n’ and ends with an ‘o’…
I’m a firm believer that, in order for employees to really enjoy their work, there ought to be a balance between personal and professional life. Jacob Morgan (author @ defines employee experience as being all about giving your employees the greatest possible environment in which one feels at his/her best. According to the same author, although the employee experience may seem complicated at first, it really boils down into three environments, namely: cultural, technological, and physical.
1. Cultural environment: how the office feels. Culture can be defined as the underlying beliefs, values and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique psychological and social setting of an organization. It’s the feeling you get the moment you arrive to an office and the tone set by the workplace: people’s moods, leadership style displayed, if people feel that they can contribute, among others.
Take Cleverti, for instance — we put people first. We believe in diversity and inclusion, and we treat our employees as fairly as possible. I also believe that everyone in the company believes in our mission and vision, so we all have a clear sense of purpose.
Again, take a peek on our website to check out all of the positive reviews left by our employees — I promise you won’t be disappointed.
2.Technological environment: it has to do with giving the employees the tools they need to perform their job. For instance, having laptops, mobile devices, video conferencing solutions, among others. Especially when talking about an IT environment, developers need the latest gadgets, otherwise they get frustrated (and annoying…).
Here at Cleverti, we take good care of our people. We provide our developers the latest gadgets and the right tools so that they never use outdated stuff. Actually, we’ve just recently acquired a new video conferencing tool that gives our meetings a whole other vibe — talk about keeping up with the latest technological trends.
Again, we don’t just splurge — but if there’s a need, there’s a way.
3.Physical environment: it’s exactly what it means: what you see/touch/smell/taste in the office. It should be as appealing as possible to the employees, otherwise people may just become annoyed and/or frustrated.
Cleverti’s values are reflected on our physical space. For instance, we have an open-door policy to encourage openness and transparency between co-workers, and a bunch of great people ready to help out the person next to them. Although working in an open-office space has its perks, many employees may see this as a disadvantage. In this case, we also have small rooms for people to work in, in case they want more privacy — we pride ourselves in our inclusion.
I am positive I’ve said this a million times, but there’s no stressing enough: people are any company’s biggest asset. So, treat them nicely and they’ll surely reciprocate. By investing in any of these environments, both the company and the employee experience is positively affected — everyone wins.
So, what are you waiting for?
Written by Ana Dias / Talent Manager at Cleverti